Stroke Treatment
Stroke Treatment And Massage
After a stroke, the aftermath is not always the same for everyone. There may be some paralysis, weakness of muscles, difficulty with speech or memory loss. Whilst massage cannot really help with the latter two, it can undoubtedly have a positive impact upon both paralysis and muscle weakness. Hence, neuro-massage is a vital aspect of stroke treatment.
Beginning with a neuro-massage for a stroke
When a stroke first occurs, there can often be some swelling of the body. It is, therefore, a good idea for the massage therapist to focus on this area, massaging gently to encourage the body’s lymphatic drainage process to take place, aiding in the elimination of toxins and waste products from under the skin and helping the swelling to reduce.
Beginning with this stroke treatment method (neuro massage therapy) also allows the client to get used to how a massage feels, encouraging them to relax, particularly if this is their first experience. It can also positively affect the psyche as stroke patients who sometimes feel they need to cover their body realise that this is not the case. Over time, the length of the massage can increase, and other parts of the body be incorporated.
Benefits of neuro-massage stroke treatment
Neuro-massage is particularly beneficial for stroke patients as it is applied in a very gentle and specific way. Here are just a few of the benefits of neuro-massage for stroke patients:
- Boosting circulation and improving skin colour and tone
- Directing blood and oxygen to parts of the body that may have been neglected, helping to improve mobility and remove toxins.
- Aid relaxation and restful deep sleep
- Improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety
Whilst neuro-massage may not be a cure for the paralysis and immobility caused by a stroke, these benefits can have a significantly positive impact upon the patient and their life overall.
Who suffers from strokes..?
Many people believe that only elderly people suffer from strokes, but this is not always the case. Some of us may be at risk of stroke even at a younger age. If you would like to know more about stroke causes and why some people are more at risk, you can contact the Stroke Association.
Dealing with a stroke can be extremely upsetting, not only for the patient but their families too. Consultation with an experienced and professional massage therapist can help you manage the changes involved, both physically and psychologically, by applying a neuro-massage that suits your needs.